
Title:  Odyssey

Genre: Sci-Fi

Job title/roll: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Writer, Musician

Location:  Albuquerque, NM

Description:  The film “Odyssey” explores the lives of two young men. They start as enemies and end joined together to face a force that changed their lives forever. Each young man faces their greatest fear and fights to survive. For what reason is the question.

Title:  Aaron Jackson Demo Reel

Genre: Comedy, Commercials, B-Roll, Creative Artistic Shots, Video Bumpers

Job title/roll: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Writer, Musician

Location:  Albuquerque, NM

Description:  I wanted to show my ability to work on different types of projects, as well as, show that I have an artistic eye for framing shots.  There are some shots that I wanted to use as bumpers in order to show off my editing skills and transitions.  I wanted the pacing to be upbeat as well.  Being as I don’t currently have a vast body of work to utilize and I realize I will be updating and changing this often as I get more usable footage.  I like that I was able to do different types of shots and filters to achieve different looks.  In all at this point I believe the main theme to be diversity and creativity.  I look forward to growing this demo reel.

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